Hexacopter in development

We have started work on a six rotor multicopter here at FabLab Lyngen. I am planning to use the hexacopter to make aerial shots of FabLabs around the world. Knut Klo is will be creating 360 degree panoramas from the air. Our collaboration got kicked off by Knut buying the Dji Flamewheel kit and showing his first panorama shots to Haakon. Haakon quickly realized that we could make a better frame and propellers in the Lab, and now the three of us are collaborating on a FabLab hexacopter.

First cardboard sketch and early arm tests in bent acrylic


Discussing the frame design


Bending the arm on the plastic bender, bending jig in the background


Testing the snapfit frame


We CNC milled the propellers from birchwood on the ShopBot


Discussing frame stress


The frame with GoPro's and one motor attached



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